Who am I....?

Adrian Stewart Rhein

"I believe there are more instances of the abridgement of the freedom of the people by gradual and silent encroachments of those in power than by violent and sudden usurpation."   

-  James Madison

I refuse to believe that God is done with Mans freedom. I believe we have never been as close to loosing our republic as we are now. I see the country becoming more and more polarized and lost in the trivial pursuits of policy, and not grounded on the firmer foundations of ideals and principals.
I am not hoping to change anyone's mind on issues. Heck, I am not even trying to gain a following. This is simply a place to vent my anger, and frustration and just plain horror and utter disbelief at the joke that has become our ruling class in Washington DC. but....

We can come together on things like, honesty, charity, integrity, virtue, thrift, freedom, liberty, and love.We will never be able to come together on what is a persons "fair share" of taxable wages..

Wake up America! Wake all you Fathers who want their sons to have a fighting chance to forge their own legacy.... instead of succumbing to the mediocrity of the collective.

Wake up America! Wake all you Mothers who want their daughters to dream and dare to do great things, to be winners, and champions of freedom..... instead of becoming destitute to the accolades of state sponsored participation trophies.

Wake up.... useful idiots, the give-it-to-me-now generation, the entitled bourgeoisie of the Starbucks and the I deserve it throngs who think the world owes you something.... wake up and get over yourself....